Search engine optimization is nowadays more important than ever and it is necessary for every web master to understand the true meaning of SEO as well as the potential it creates for every business.
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization or SEO in short, is a set of rules that can be followed by web site (or blog) owners to optimize their web sites for search engines and thus improve their search engine rankings.
In addition it is also a great way to increase the quality of their web sites by making them user- friendly, faster and easier to navigate. SEO can also be considered as a framework since the whole process has a number of rules (or guidelines), a number of stages and a set of controls.
The pages are analyzed, indexed, and, (with luck and good SEO) added to the database of the search engine. The search engines generally do this on a periodic basis visiting some sites more often than others
The engines by themselves have no inherent gauge of quality and no potential way to discover fantastic pieces of content on the web. Only humans have this power - to discover, react, comment and link to. Thus, great content cannot simply be created - it must be shared and talked about. Search engines already do a great job of promoting high quality content on websites that have become popular, but they cannot generate this popularity - this is a task that demands talented Internet marketers.
SEO can make the content of your web pages more relevant, more attractive, and more easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software.
Why would this be of great importance to you? Would it be important to you if customers were unable to find your telephone number or find the address of your business? I do not think that many businesses could survive for very long in this situation.
The pages are analyzed, indexed, and, (with luck and good SEO) added to the database of the search engine. The search engines generally do this on a periodic basis visiting some sites more often than others
The engines by themselves have no inherent gauge of quality and no potential way to discover fantastic pieces of content on the web. Only humans have this power - to discover, react, comment and link to. Thus, great content cannot simply be created - it must be shared and talked about. Search engines already do a great job of promoting high quality content on websites that have become popular, but they cannot generate this popularity - this is a task that demands talented Internet marketers.