When you head out the door and step into your car, you need to make sure you are covered. The piece of metal you are driving around is worth thousands of dollars and you will be driving it pretty fast. You’ll also be driving at the same time as tens of millions of people all across the nation. If you really think about it, you need to make sure you cover yourself with insurance. But you also need to have a few other things lined up correctly to make sure you don’t get in over your head if you happen to get in an accident.
When you buy a car, you need to register the car with the state you are living in. It proves that you have paid taxes to the state and allows you can leave the lot with your new car. If you don’t register your car, you are not allowed on the road. States need to keep track of all of the vehicles on the road so they can make sure each is covered with insurance.
If you happen to get pulled over for a violation and do not have you car registered, the cop can write you a pretty expensive ticket. Also, depending on the state you live in, your car can be impounded. If you get your car impounded, it can cost you hundreds of dollars to get it out.
The moral of the story is you not only need to get insurance for your car, make sure it passes inspection but you also need to register your car and make sure you do it each and every year. Save yourself some money and make sure you stay on top of it.